My Year-End Ritual

Ever since I started freelancing in 2013, I've spent the last few days of the year reflecting on what I've accomplished and making plans for what's next. It's become a year-end ritual of sorts and one I'll work on after I stuff myself with Christmas cookies. In my 30s, I focused a lot on my professional goals, but lately, I look at my life more holistically.

In addition to the usual, "What do I want to accomplish?" I ask myself questions like, "How do I want to feel?" and "Who do I want to spend more time with?"

Some of this is probably about getting older and seeing how fleeting life is, but I also think the pandemic changed my outlook.

When I look at the goals I put on paper for 2020, I now laugh. Let's just say six months of homeschooling wasn't on there. Most of the goals I wrote went in the trash, but I still accomplished a lot by the end of the year. (Survived a pandemic…check.)

I think my new way of looking at year-end planning leaves room for the unexpected and helps me take more stock of what matters. So, yes, I will still pursue professional goals but not at the expense of my well-being.

In fact, as I make plans and decisions, I like to consider the advice I once read from financial writer Jonathan Clements.

"Want greater happiness? Design a financial life where you spend your days engaged in fulfilling work—and your evenings with friends and family."

I love the way he uses the word "design" here. It's a reminder that money can act as a creative tool after we earn enough money to meet our basic needs. Yes, it does not equal happiness, but we might be able to wield it to help us get there. It's also a reminder that the answer isn't always more money but enough money so we can spend as much time as possible in a fulfilling way.

To help you dream and scheme for 2022, I created a four-page workbook with questions to consider. Over the next few days, I plan to work on my own copy little by little, so I can start the new year with clear eyes and a full heart. (Can't lose!)

Click on the button below to download your own copy.

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